How this Geordie Shore member is losing her ‘jelly belly’
We have all witnessed the insane body transformations of the Geordie Shore girls, Charlotte, Holly and Marnie.
So we can imagine that arriving in as the new girl and filming alongside these beauties while wearing a bikini in Greece would be pretty daunting.

Chloe Etherington, the newest member of the Geordie Shore cast, has admitted that she feels the pressure to lose weight because she just isn’t happy with how she looks and feels.
“I really hate my body at the moment and badly need to get back in shape and get rid of my jelly belly,” the 20-year-old reality star who currently weighs 11st has stated.
The former performing arts student – who wants to get down to 9st 7lbs – said that her diet of “spaghetti Bolognese pizzas” in Greece was largely to blame for the rapid weight gain when she entered the show.

“I loved filming the new series of Geordie Shore in Greece but it was a disaster as far as my diet was concerned.”
Ms Etherington, who was a former figure skater, seems to suffer from a condition that a lot of us are familiar with – the stopping-for-chipper-after-a-night-out syndrome.
“My big problem is that I would binge eat late at night after we had been partying. I am terrible when I get mortal. When I am like that, I eat like a man. My favourite is spaghetti Bolognese pizza – that is lush.”
Chloe has been taking Forza’s raspberry K2s that were recommended to her by her trainer. She explained that they “take the edge off your appetite and give you a bit of added zip when you go back to the gym.”
Chloe said that they are helping to accelerate her weight loss and they have worked for other celebrities such as Chloe Goodman and Frankie Essex.

- Breakfast Fried egg sandwich with white bread. Tea with three sugars.
- Lunch Jacket potato with cheese and a chicken bake.
- Dinner Spaghetti bolognese pizza!
- Breakfast Porridge with water.
- Forza Supplements' Raspberry K2 supplement followed by 60-minutes work-out with her personal trainer Ian Guildford.
- Lunch Grilled chicken and broccoli or a Lipowhey protein shake from Forza .
- Dinner Poached haddock and sweet potatoes.
Chloe is a brand ambassador for Forza Supplements' Raspberry K2 diet capsules which are available at Boots, Tesco, Superdrug and Lloyds Pharmacy branches, and via www.forzasupplements.co.uk