How pets can help us overcome loneliness and isolation
Our pets provide us with an endless supply of love. From keeping us company to being the best cuddle buddy you could ask for, they truly are the ultimate givers. Just looking into their eyes and giving them pats help us relax and enjoy their company even more.
And if that wasn’t enough, our pets can help lower stress, overcome loneliness and be greatly beneficial to our mental health. You may have even noticed your pets can seek out when we’re not feeling our best, giving us extra attention when we’re upset or not feeling well.
So how do pets help us so much, simply by existing and being present? Let’s take a look at the benefits our pets provide us and how we can show our appreciation (aside from showering them with new pet products!).
Pets provide companionship
Loneliness is a difficult emotion to shoulder, and we all need some social interaction every now and then—especially kids. And if we don’t get enough, we can start to feel isolated and a little down in the dumps. But when you have a pet in your home who greets you with energy and genuine excitement and enjoys a good cuddle, it’s hard to not feel like you’re important and loved!
Plus, who is more loyal than our pets? That alone is a good feeling to know we have someone who will stick by us through thick and thin, loving us unconditionally no matter what we’re going through. Yep—pets are pretty special!
They give us purpose
Owning a pet is a big responsibility. Walking, feeding, bathing, changing out their water, grooming… the list goes on. It is a big thing to know their health and happiness is in our hands. But that’s a good thing!
This responsibility can help give us more purpose, and make us expand our thoughts to include someone outside ourselves—which can be tricky when you’re used to being alone.
By needing us, our furry friends ensure we get up and out of bed each day. From being the dedicated pet bowl monitor, to needing a groom and somewhere to get out all their zoomies, caring for our pet can ensure we ourselves stay active and keep our minds busy.
Pets force us outside and into social situations
Getting outside and into the fresh air is always good for our health, both physical and mental. And when you have a pup that needs their daily walk, it forces us out into nature probably more often than we’d admit. So, getting outside together, whether it’s a run around the garden or a walk in our neighbourhood, is good for your furry friend and yourself as well.
Pets are also a great way to make friends. Even if you’re on the shy side, animals are natural ice breakers—so you don’t need to worry about small talk! You may even start noticing more people smiling your way while you’re out walking Fido. By wandering the same route every day, you may naturally start forming friendships with common passers-by, strike up a conversation or even meet their own pup! Simply stepping out with your pooch is a great start to all of it.
They lower our stress levels
Did you know spending time with your pet can help reduce your stress levels? The soft feel of their fur and gazing into their big brown eyes is enough to give us a little bit of a dopamine hit, which helps us relax (and feel loved at the same time!). Cuddling with our furry friends also has the same result—making bonding time easy and chill while both of you enjoy each others’ company!
They are always there
Of course, our pets are always there for us, no matter what’s going on in life. If you’ve had a tough day, knowing you will walk through the door to a wagging door and a waiting ear is enough to make you smile. Even when they’re fast asleep in the corner, or having puppy dreams, or simply staring out the window—there is certainly a comfort in their presence that is difficult to find anywhere else.
Loving your pet is such a natural, easy thing; and it’s no wonder why! While we show them love, affection and support, they give it back to us ten-fold, helping us with our own happiness, mental health, and keeping us from feeling lonely. They really are the best!