How to get rid of dreaded facial hair once and for all


Facial hair can be a huge embarrassment for ladies of all ages and it can really affect self confidence. However, before you resort to staying under your bed covers, you might want to try these handy tips.


This only works on annoying strays that are located under your chin or near the jaw line. Make sure you have good light and only pluck one at a time to avoid scarring.

Depilatory cream

Using a depilatory cream for your face is quick and efficient; however, always do a patch test and use sparingly.


This can last up to about four weeks so it is not surprising that it is the most popular form of hair removal.


This is handy for fine, excessive hair as it turns it a lighter colour. If you do go this route, make sure you use plenty of moisturiser as blenching can dry the skin out.
