How to get summer-ready beautiful feet
It’s that time of the year again when we have to shed our final layers and actually – gasp – show skin. The thought can be daunting, especially for those of us who hate our feet, and there are quite a lot of us.
Here’s how to get beautiful feet you can be confident about when the nice weather comes out:
How to cure smelly feet
It’s important first to deal with any underlying issues you may have with your feet – such as bad odour. To keep your feet smelling clean, make sure to wash them thoroughly at least once a day and more if the weather is particularly warm. Wear loose fitting shoes and breathable socks, or none if possible.
Yellow toenails
Many women who suffer with yellow toenails are more than likely dealing with a side-effect of wearing nail polish. However, it’s important to rule out any fungus first. If you think your yellow nails are down to nail polish and not something more serious, try rubbing the nails with some lemon juice.
Dry, cracked skin
Summer feet are moisturised feet. If you have cracked heels and dry, calloused skin on your feet, invest in a high-quality foot moisturisers. Apply at night and pop on some cotton socks. Your tootsies should be soft in no time.
Using a foot scrub can ensure your feet are rid of dead skin cells. To make a homemade foot scrub, mix brown sugar, olive oil and some essential oil of your choice before scrubbing feet and rinsing off. Do this once a week for smooth, soft feet. You can also invest in a pumice stone to keep your feet soft.