How to Reduce Eye Fatigue While in Front of the Computer
How to Reduce Eye Fatigue While in Front of the Computer
Many of us are currently employed within roles which require us to remain seated in front of a computer or laptop for long periods of time. Whether referring to sales specialists, online blogging professionals or accountants, the fact of the matter is such positions can be quite rewarding. Still, we need to keep in mind that our eyes might suffer as a direct result. Ocular fatigue is one of the most common issues within the professional workforce and if left untreated, it can have some surprisingly serious consequences. Let’s take a look at how you can reduce the impacts of this condition.
Why Do Your Eyes Become Fatigued?
We need to keep in mind that the eyes are controlled by a series of muscles. Much like any other muscle, they will naturally become fatigued over time. The main issue is that this fatigue is not normally noticed until physical symptoms begin to develop. Here are a handful of indications that you need a slight break:
- Muscular pain above one or both eyes.
- Headaches and/or migraines.
- Dry, itchy or watery eyes.
You might also be surprised to learn that eye fatigue can occur at any age. Still, it is most common with those who are exposed to digital computer and smartphone screens. This is primarily the result of what is known as blue light. What is blue light and what impacts can it have upon your eyes if left unchecked?
Mitigating the Effects of Blue Light
We should keep in mind that there are a number of environmental factors which can negatively impact your eyes over time. This is particularly the case in reference to blue light. Blue light is emitted from computer screens and similar digital devices. According to, blue light is associated with several of the eye-related problems mentioned earlier in this article. The main issue is that the majority of glasses are unable to filter out this wavelength.
Perhaps more importantly, this type of light can disrupt the natural sleep patterns of your body. This is obviously worrisome if you are concerned about your overall health or if you are already feeling overworked and fatigued. Blue light glasses will offer a viable solution, as they will help to block wavelengths associated with blue light. Furthermore, these very same glasses can be worn outdoors so that your eyes are better protected against the damaging ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun.
Nature has provided us with a single pair of eyes. While you might still be required to remain seated in front of a computer screen for hours each day, a pair of quality blue light glasses will provide you with an extra (and stylish) level of protection. You could very well be surprised with what is in store and above all, you can remain confident in the fact that your eyes are receiving the care that they deserve.