HSE explains how to reduce risk of cancer in free webinar
The HSE has revealed that it is estimated that 4 in 10 cancers are preventable. By making changes to your lifestyle, you can help to reduce the risk of developing cancer.
To mark World Cancer Day on Tuesday, February 4, the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) is hosting a free public health webinar for people to learn how to reduce their risk of cancer.
‘Your cancer prevention questions answered’ will take place on Tuesday, February 4 from 12pm – 1.15pm. The webinar will discuss topics such as healthy eating, skin protection, alcohol consumption, smoking and vaping.
Data shows that 1 in 2 people living in Ireland will have a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. Prostate, breast, colorectal, lung and melanoma skin cancer are the most common cancers diagnosed in Ireland. Genetics and lifestyle factors influence the risk of cancer.
Dr Breda Neville, Specialist in Public Health, HSE NCCP, explains, “Each person’s risk of getting cancer is influenced by a wide range of factors. These include things that we can’t change, like our age and genetics, but also things that we can change, such as diet, lifestyle, and not smoking and reducing alcohol consumption."
“The HSE National Cancer Control Programme and the Irish Cancer Prevention Network aim to reduce cancer risk, by raising awareness of the steps we can all take to lessen our risk of cancer and ensuring that people are provided with information and support to adopt healthy lifestyles.”
Ways to reduce risk of developing cancer:
- Do not start smoking.
- If you do smoke, quitting reduces cancer risk. It is never too late to quit. See Quit.ie for support and information.
- Limit alcohol intake. Even small amounts of alcohol increase your cancer risk. The less you drink, the lower your risk.
- Eat a healthy balanced diet. Include plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains. Limit red meat and avoid processed meat such as chorizo, bacon or salami.
- Be physically active. Any amount of activity is better than none.
- Maintain a healthy body weight. Eating a healthy balanced diet, being physically active, getting enough sleep, and taking care of your mental health can all help to maintain a healthy body weight.
- Vaccinations can protect against some cancers. The HPV vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccine protect you.
- Be SunSmart. Protect your skin from the sun and never use a sunbed,
- Take part in cancer screening programmes. Ireland has screening programmes for bowel cancer, cervical cancer and breast cancer.
- Consider breastfeeding, if you can. Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of breast cancer. Visit MyChild.ie for support.
- Check radon levels in your home or workplace, and take action to reduce them if necessary.
To learn more about how to reduce cancer risk register here to watch the live webinar or to receive the recording to watch back.
Visit www.hse.ie/cancerprevention for more information and resources.