‘I actually like her’ Twitter reacts to Katie Hopkins’ Living with Lucy
Last night, Irish TV audiences feasted their eyes on one of the most talked about programmes to hit our screens this year.
TV3's Living With Lucy, follows presenter, Lucy Kennedy, as she moves into the homes of various celebrities and public figures for a weekend, and this week's guest may have been the most controversial yet – Katie Hopkins.
Famous for her unpopular opinions, Katie Hopkins has no qualms about sharing her strong views with the world.
Join Lucy and I tonight @TV3Ireland at 10pm for Living with Lucy / Katie #livingwithlucy #RUDE pic.twitter.com/FVJfMMaTUx
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) October 3, 2017
And rather than brush that under the carpet, Lucy challenged some of her controversial comments and even called her an “absolute b*itch” while discussing her tweets over dinner.
But it wasn't all insults and name calling (she was living in the woman's house after all) – the pair actually managed to find common ground on a number of topics including marriage and motherhood.
The show was full of ups and downs, and many viewers took to Twitter to admit they had changed their mind about the 'most hated woman in Britain' – though not everyone was converted.
Here's how audiences reacted:
Every time I see Katie Hopkins on TV, I think… #livingwithlucy pic.twitter.com/mkoWL0fyLD
— Mary Mc Intyre (@Mc1988) October 3, 2017
I changed my opinion on @KTHopkins a few years ago wen she was on big brother! And now #livingwithlucy shows she's a lovely person deep down..
— Leanne Hunter (@MillieHunter1) October 3, 2017
#livingwithlucy @KennedyLucy you are currently legitimising a person who calls other human beings cockroaches. Shame on you#sellout
— Marc O'Reachtaire (@O_Reachtaire) October 3, 2017
Hoping people have realised beyond her political views @KTHopkins is a real perso&if you don't like her don't engage. #livingwithlucy
— Ruth ♡ (@Ruthie_JG) October 3, 2017
#livingwithlucy She's classic narcissistic disorder – gets angry if you agree with her. I pity her kids
— General Info (@JackBrodbin) October 3, 2017
Seeing a whole new normal side to @KTHopkins on #LivingWithLucy
— Michael Finnan (@finnan22) October 3, 2017
I watched #LivingWithLucy. It wasn’t a platform but rather a fascinating insight into a woman who came across as a bit thick & desperate.
— Barbara Scully (@barbarascully) October 3, 2017
I actually Really like Her On #livingwithlucy.
— Eleanor o Connor (@Eleanor43241545) October 3, 2017