#IBelieveHer is trending right now after the Rugby Rape Trial verdict
In the wake of the not guilty verdict given by the jury in the Belfast rape trial of Paddy Jackson and his teammate Stuart Olding, people have been taking to Twitter to express their support for the victim.
Blane McIlroy and Rory Harrison were also found not guilty of perverting the course of justice and withholding information.
Public opinion clearly shows an opposing view to the verdict, with the #IBelieveHer trending in Ireland minutes after the verdict was read:
The #IBelieveHer hashtag gives an insight into how deeply upsetting this court case was for so many people. If nothing else, it must surely lead to a change in how rape trials are conducted. Is there any other crime in which the alleged victim appears to be the one on trial?
— Sarah McInerney (@SarahAMcInerney) March 28, 2018
In a WhatsApp group with other men and we’re all horrified by the Belfast Rape Trial verdict, especially how short the deliberations were. That poor girl, her family and friends will need a lot of support. It’s somewhat heartening to see the powerful #ibelieveher tweets.
— Darragh Doyle (@darraghdoyle) March 28, 2018
Please support rape victims and rape charities at this time if you can, understand THIS is why rape isn’t reported don’t pressure people to report, bc the chances of justice being served are slim, heart goes out to that woman and anyone else this affects #IBelieveHer
— georgie (@georgieIockhart) March 28, 2018
Anyone pontificating about calm reactions is seriously underestimating the fear people live with not only of rape but that reporting rape will destroy your life, that no matter what you do it will be decided it was your fault or that it didn’t happen #ibelieveher
— Kate McEvoy (@ImKateMc) March 28, 2018
The damage this trial has done to any woman who has been sexually assaulted or will be sexually assaulted cannot be quantified. What woman would put herself through that by reporting a crime.
Disgusted but sadly not surprised by the verdict.#Ibelieveher— Claire Allan (@ClaireAllan) March 28, 2018
Thinking today about the people who have to sit by as colleagues and friends discuss the result of this rape trial and try desperately to not think about their own experiences of rape or assault.
— Fiona Hyde (@andgoseek) March 28, 2018
The entire country know every detail of what happened to that woman, her underwear/clothes was shown to the court as evidence, she was questioned for 8 days straight, her story never changed, the 4 men all have different stories none of it matches up, and they’re found not guilty
— georgie (@georgieIockhart) March 28, 2018
3 hours & 45 minutes deliberation for a 10 week trail where the victim was accused more than the actual accused.
What a fucking joke.
— Dublin Girlo (@dublin_girlo) March 28, 2018
Between the line of questioning the victim was subjected to, the intense public scrutiny, and now this verdict – the impact this will have on other victims disclosing their stories in the future is immeasurable.
— Louise O’ Neill (@oneilllo) March 28, 2018
All day I have been thinking of the victim in the Belfast rape trial. I believe her. I dearly hope justice will prevail but experience has taught me sexual abuse victims rarely get the justice they deserve. I hope at least she knows how many of us support her #IBelieveHer
— Taryn De Vere (@TarynDeVere) March 27, 2018