ICYMI: THIS is why people are re-thinking their jelly sweet obsession
Jellies? We could – and do – eat mountains of the stuff.
Cola bottles, fizzy dummies, gummy bears; the list goes on and on… but we, like millions others who have recently seen what goes into the production of our favourite treat, are now questioning whether we ever want to set eyes on another jelly snake.
In disturbing footage which was uploaded to Facebook, Alina Kneepkens exposed the incredibly grisly nature of gelatin production, and forced most of us to consider what goes on behind the scenes before certain foods are presented to us in perfect packaging.
The video begins with the moment a jelly sweet is placed in someone's mouth and then – in agonising detail – documents every step which took place up until that moment.
From the skinning of pigs to the boiling of their skin, this doesn't make for easy viewing, and social media users have wasted no times expressing their thoughts on the harrowing footage which has clocked up a staggering 7 million views so far.
"Animals do not give us their life, we take it from them," wrote one. "Animals value their life as much as we do and also have a right to coexist on this planet with us."
Reminder: Some users may find this footage distressing.