Influencer gets rejected from Paris landmark because of THIS DRESS


We all like to believe that slut-shaming is a thing of the past. 

However, an influencer alleged that a Louvre guard shamed her outfit choice and refused her entry into the Parisian landmark. 

Influencer, Newsha Syeh was wearing a black, low cut dress. 


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On Instagram, she captioned the picture of herself in the black dressed: "Picasso would have loved my outfit."

But she detailed her exchange with a guard on her Instagram stories – and what she alleged is disgusting.

"He made the most disgusting and horrible gestures and facial expressions, swore at me to cover up, with hate-filled eyes stopped me from entering. 

"I was heartbroken, because I thought the Louvre enforced this archaic rule. Turns out…it does not," she wrote.


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And Newsha is correct – the Louvre doesn't have a dress code.

The guard felt like it was their responsibility to slut shame her outfit – although it's not in their job description.

Hope wasn't all lost for the influencer's dream of entering the museum – she snapped herself in the Louvre, but this time she was wearing a different outfit.

Now, I have lived and worked in France and I understand that French people usually brand low cut or short items of clothing as "vulgar" – but refusing her entry from the museum is absolutely not on.

You'd think in the fashion capital of the world, you could pull off any type of style – but Newsha's experience proves that archaic restrictions on women's fashion are still alive and well.
