Irish ladies! We spend 72 HOURS every single year styling our hair
Well, you can't say we don't look good.
It has been revealed that Irish women spend a total of three days every year styling our gruaige.
A survey carried out by Great Lengths Hair Extensions found that the average Irish woman cares a lot about her hair, and all of these hours are mainly spent washing and blow drying.
Most ladies wash their hair every other day, with only 8 percent taking Kim Kardashian's approach of washing their hair every five days.
But if this is surprising to you, it probably shouldn't. Ireland has one of the highest rates in Europe for using foundation and fake tan. We're a glamorous bunch, right?
And it's not only the ladies taking up this much time for styling. Yep, the lads are in on it too, spending the same amount of time gelling and styling their locks.
And who won the prize for being our hair hero? None other than Vogue Williams, of course.