Is Miley hooking up with…a One Directioner?!
If One Direction fans have their way, Harry Styles and Miley Cyrus could be the new hot couple in town!
In a recent poll, it was found that Miley was the one woman Harry’s fans would most like to see him with!
Well, we certainly didn’t see that one coming!
Miley beat many other strong contenders in the poll conducted by Plusnet such as Katy Perry, Taylor Swift (been there), Selena Gomez and Kendall (been there too). Oh, she also beat Nigella Lawson too.
Of all these women, Miley came out on top – could there be a future romance on the cards?
Remember the time Miley snuggled up to Harry’s cardboard cutout?
Then again, we all do that, right?
Or that time Harry dressed up as Miley for Halloween?
We sense some lovin’ on the horizon…