It’s highly likely that Facebook interns earn more than you do
A lot of things spring to mind when we think of interns. Coffee runs, crazy hours, low pay.
Well, not at Facebook.
The social media giant has turned that idea on its head and are paying their interns a mouth-watering monthly wage.
Glassdoor have complied a list of the best paid intern in the US at the moment the results are far from what we expected.
Warning: You’re going to want to quit your job and give Mark Zuckerberg a ring after reading this.
Tech giants, Apple, Google and Microsoft offer intern a generous pay packet, but it was Facebook that came out on top with a whopping $8,000 per month.
Yep. Per month.
That works out at somewhere around €7,319 in case you're wondering.
Here’s the full list of the companies you’ll now be dying to work for:
Facebook – $8,000/ €7,319
Microsoft – $7,100/ €6,496
Salesforce – $6,450/ €5,901
Amazon – $6,400/ €5,855
Apple – $6,400/ €5,855
Bloomberg – $6,400/ €5,855
Yelp – $6,400/ €5,855
Yahoo – $6,080/ €5,562
VMware – $6,080/ €5,562
Google – $6,000/ €5,489
We’ll give you a moment to let that sink in.
But let’s be real, it probably never will.