It’s over! Taylor Swift FINALLY settles one of her major lawsuits
It's good news for Taylor Swift this week as she has finally settled one of her major lawsuits.
In May, fashion retailer Lucky 13 claimed that Ms Swift copied its trademark look onto a collection of cotton t-shirts sold by the singer.
But now, Tay Tay has avoided any legal depositions which means the scheduled trial date in January 2016 has been cancelled.
Lucky 13 argued that Taylor's "permanent or temporary tattoos and her marketing herself as liking fast cars and dangerous men who drive them inappropriately, as demonstrated by her I Knew You Were Trouble music video", "undeniably and squarely fits within the exact consumer demographic to whom Lucky 13 markets and sells its Lucky 13 goods," reports The Fashion Law.
Sounds a bit silly, right?
In August, Taylor claimed that Lucky 13 was harassing her, which seems to have resulted in this week's agreement.
But it's not the end of Ms Swifts legal battles as she was accused of infringement last week for her song Shake It Off, as well as a sexual harassment claim made by Taylor last month.