J.K. Rowling writes as Dumbledore to tragic teen who lost family
This is just so heartbreaking.
Author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, has sent a letter to 15-year-old, Cassidy Stay, in the voice of Dumbledore.
The move comes after the teen’s mum, dad and siblings were all shot dead by her uncle in Texas at the beginning of July.
During a memorial service for her family, the brave girl took to the podium and quoted Dumbledore in her moving and inspirational tribute: “Happiness can be found in the darkest times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
J.K. Rowling heard of the girl’s words through a social media campaign and sent Cassidy a handwritten letter from Dumbledore, and lots of Harry Potter items such as a wand and a signed book.