Job hunting? This store is hiring a professional chicken nugget taster
Ever wished you could get paid to eat your favourite fast food?
Obviously the answer is yes, but what if we told you that dream could soon become a reality?
British retailer B&M is looking for a Chicken Nugget Connoisseur to test their range of frozen foods, and honestly, it sounds like our dream job.
However, there's a pretty big catch.
The successful applicant will be paid just £25 per month in the form of in-store vouchers, but hey, what it lacks in financial benefits, it more than make up for in job satisfaction.
Still interested?
The company say they are looking for someone who enjoys:
Getting the 20 share box of nuggets from McDonalds and keeping them all for yourself
Being the first in the office kitchen whenever someone says there’s cake
That time you tripped and fell at a buffet and saved the plate before yourself
Going to an event or party because there is free food
You value the importance of a fish finger sandwich in life
You can conduct a power point presentation on the reasoning behind curly fries being nicer than chips
A spokesman for the store said in a statement:
“Next month we'll be launching a brand new fresh and frozen food range in a selection of our stores nationwide.”
“To help us ensure that the range is the best in the country we're offering one lucky person the chance to taste test some of our range.”
Sound like you?
Interested applicants should upload their CV and a short cover letter here.