Join in with this ‘Drink and Draw’ coming up!
I don’t know about anyone else, but I am hitting the point of lockdown where I am just so bored. The first lockdown was kind of exciting, albeit in a scary way. There was a novelty to working from home, it was hilarious trying out Zoom quizzes, we tried out all the things we always said we would but now…now we’ve ticked everything off our to-do lists. We’ve cooked every new dish we possibly could, walked every walk available to us and know everything there is to know on earth thanks to the never-ending Zoom quizzes.
I think we’re all desperate for any sort of novelty right now, which was why it was so exciting to come across Alternative Dublin’s event happening in April, an online ‘Drink and Draw’.
With no experience necessary, this event is all about fun and creativity. The painting that we’ll be copying is the famous Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ but with a unique Cork twist, incorporating some of the city’s most iconic landmarks! The event will be broadcast live from Dublin over Zoom so everyone can follow along!
How it works:
Alternative Dublin will be painting the scene live with their instructor and hosting the event step by step. Participants are highly encouraged to create their own 'spin' on the painting and there’s even a prize going for the most creative twist!
They let you know well in advance so that you have time to gather any art supplies you may need, such as canvases or paints and brushes.
Team the night with a cocktail, get a few friends on board and you’re sorted! The ultimate boredom buster, check out how to sign up here. But hurry, tickets are limited, and their events are super popular!
If you missed out tickets for this one, they have plenty of other events, such as Paint A Pint of Guinness for St Patrick’s Day, Paint like Picasso on March 27th, and a Mother’s Day special! See here for further info.