#JustDublinThings is the GAS hashtag for Big Smoke residents
We all have our favourite things that are unique to Dublin.
Be it avoiding eye-contact with women selling strawberries on Henry Street to taking joy in the smooth and dulcet cries of the giant mutant sea gulls who marauder bin to bin, the hashtag #JustDublinThings is slowly taking off as the perfect place to air your very Dublin thoughts.
The hashtag is a play on the #JustGirlyThings, where women tweet about the realities of of being female.
When men take away your reproductive rights but still get mad when you won't have sex with them #justgirlythings
— Aoife (@eefahtejada) January 25, 2017
So how many of these Dublin-based woes and wonders can you reate to?
1. The romantic ambience that Dublin eludes…
Ah the gentle serenade of barking dogs and sirens #justdublinthings
— fight me (@itsjrayy) September 21, 2015
2. Commuter troubles abound.
Zoning out on the Dart and momentarily forgetting what level of the universe you occupy. #JustDublinThings
— Mark Meehan/MPN News (@MarcasPadraig) January 10, 2017
3. Getting one up on petty criminals.
Reminiscing on the time my Brown Thomas bag was robbed on the #Luas but jokes on them it had been my bin at work for weeks #JustDublinThings
— Sarah Magliocco (@SarahMagliocco) January 26, 2017
4. What would Dublin be without it's amusing automotive instances.
Taxi driver full yelling and smacking his wheel at other driver to Cranberries "Do you have to let it linger" on the radio #justdublinthings
— Leigh (@sissycity) December 11, 2016
5. Ah, the polite enthusiasm of a Dublin crowd.
when you almost get trampled to death trying to watch the Christmas lights being turned on #justdublinthings
— Emma (@EmmaFinnerty94) November 13, 2016
6. While we may curse the public transport, the commuter professionals are at least kind.
Today a luas security guard helped me put the fur back onto the hood of my coat after it fell off. #justdublinthings #dublin
— Michelle Williams (@michmoch91) October 20, 2016
7. The origins of a true Dub's take-no-s*** attitude.
"You can either cry and whine or take a deep breath and GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE" Yells the mother to her 6-year-old daughter #JustDublinThings
— Evan Smith (@TheJokersThief) April 23, 2016
8. Because even if the streets aren't safe, it least their clean.
Seeing a drag race between a Nissan Micra and a garbage truck. #justdublinthings
— Keeping it symbolic (@BertieHeppel) March 23, 2016
9. And of course what would the city be without it's *ahem* colourful charectors.
#tb to last week when a drunk man try to box me in the face and then ask me for money in Westmoreland street #justdublinthings xox
— Rebekah (@bekahsheehan) December 3, 2015
10. Very colourful.
Wearing an orange hi vis on the luas to fuck with ticket dodgers #JustDublinThings
— Aidan Connolly (@The_TinyDonkey) January 22, 2014