Karl Lagerfeld uses pet to promote feline-inspired make-up line
Karl Lagerfeld’s cat is the inspiration behind his cosmetic collection for make-up brand Shu Uemura. Yes, you read that right!
And that’s not all, the Siamese cat called Choupette has also been named the new face of the Japanese make-up range.
The collection, aptly named Shupette, will include feline-inspired products like furry false eye lashes – putting a whole new meaning on the whole cat-eye look!
Not surprisingly, Shu Uemera has said that this is the first collaboration between a beauty brand and a pet.
However, that’s not all… If you thought the whole idea of the cat being the face of the make-up was a little weird, the packaging will contain quotes from the cat herself – we’d buy it just to see the quotes!
Before you worry about how Choupette will handle the fame, she already has a Twitter account that has 38,000 followers, so we’re sure she is well used to it by now.