‘Playful’ Kate Moss didn’t freak out on THAT EasyJet flight after all
Last week, Kate Moss made headlines when she was escorted from an EasyJet flight in London for being disruptive.
It initially all sounded frightfully rock 'n' roll… although it later transpired that it was the lack of sandwiches on board that had sparked her off. Poor Kate must have been ravenous – and hey, we're not going to judge because frankly there's rarely a time in our lives when we don't fancy a sambo.
In hindsight, and although the reaction was largely of the 'fair play to her' variety, we're sure the whole incident was still pretty embarrassing.
Thankfully, close friend and billionaire-in-waiting Chloe Green has shed some light on the situation.
Defending the 41-year old supermodel, also a family friend, according to Chloe the issue would have been a non-issue except that Kate is well, Kate Moss.
Speaking to The Mirror, the 23-year old former Made In Chelsea star revealed: "Had it been any other passenger it would've been a non-story… people need to remember that when you're a celebrity you're also a target."
Coming to her close friend’s defence the heiress added that it was simply a misunderstanding. Indeed, having travelled with Kate in the past, the Topshop heiress knows what's what.
"I've travelled with Kate a few times and although she can be quite loud and excitable, it's always in a playful way," she said.
Playful, eh? Well, Kate is said to have shouted: "It's f***ing all right for them to eat pasta when we're hungry." She also apparently called out the pilot for being a “basic bitch”.
Indeed, according to one fellow passenger: “She was sitting at the back with her friend and they were kicking off because the plane had run out of the sandwiches she wanted.”
The flight attendants became upset at her outbursts and the supermodel left the flight with a police escort. No arrests were made at the time, but officers were said to have spoken with the model and her friend at the gate.
This supposedly took place just days after the model and designer Marc Jacobs posted a video online where they are jokingly “calling all the basic bitches”.
Note to self: don't get "excited" on a plane.