Kim K hits back at Katie Price for criticising her nude photos!


Ooh, you don’t slam Kim Kardashian and get away with it, do you Katie Price?!

The former glamour model slammed Kim’s Paper photos last week, saying: “When I saw these pictures my reaction was like everyone else, shocked. It wasn’t just that she’s got a bit of flesh out, it’s like she’s got it all out. I thought she could have saved it for like American Playboy or something.”

Somehow, Katie’s words made their way back to the queen of reality TV, and according to Heat, she was not best pleased: “Kim heard that someone called Katie Price had been criticising her on Australian TV and, even thought she had no idea who she was, she asked her team to look her up and find out what this woman’s deal was.”

The source for the magazine also said Kim had a bit of a Nikki Graham reaction to Katie’s words: “She was like, ‘who is she? What? Why is she talking about me? I don’t get it, I’ve never heard of her.’ When they found a picture of her, Kim was asking, ‘Is she a porn star?’”

Ooh, ouch. Your move, Katie! Though we’re not sure Kim is going to care all that much…
