Kim Kardashian branded ‘scum’ over her latest Instagram post
She is no stranger to controversy, or the odd nasty comment on social media, but things just went up a whole new level on Kim Kardashian’s Instagram.
The newly-blonde reality star took to the photo blogging site to share her latest image reinvention – as Elsa from Frozen.
Posing for a black-and-white photo and wearing a huge fur coat, the 34-year-old wrote: “Channelling my inner Elsa for North”.
Her followers were far from impressed however, with many branding her “heartless” and “scum” for wearing real fur.
“If that is really fur then you are honestly a scum for this world!” wrote one angry follower.
Meanwhile, another urged Kim to “stop wearing dead animals”.
Of course, these comments and pleas are nothing new for Kim, who has not only come under fire for dressing her daughter in fur, but has previously been taken to task by animal welfare organisation PETA.
It doesn’t look like she’s about to stop anytime soon.