Kim Kardashian is slammed after she is pictured with North
Kim Kardashian is no stranger to being put on blast by PETA for her love of wearing real fur and has always said it is her own ‘personal choice’ to wear fur if she so wishes.
Her comments on this came not long after she was attacked on the red carpet with a flour bomb by a protestor, something she was less than impressed about: “I think it’s a personal choice, but I don’t think it’s okay to assault anyone.”
Now, the reality TV star has been slammed further by the animal rights group after her two and half year-old daughter, North was photographed wearing a fur jacket. UK director for PETA, Mimi Bekhechi said that it was unfair to dress her daughter in fur: “Kids are naturally drawn to animals and sympathetic to their plight, and there’s no reason to think that North is any different.”
The PETA director went on to say that if the coat is real fur and North could have her own way, she more than likely would choose against it: “If the fur coat that she’s been dressed in is real, animals have suffered for vanity, something that we’re sure neither North nor any little girl her age would support.”
While North’s coat may have been faux fur, and many appear to being hoping so, there’s no doubt her mama’s coat had a real wolf fur collar by Nina Ricci. Yup, wolf.