Kim? Kim… is that you sitting atop a large pile of earth in your undies?
Kim Kardashian, bless her, has given us a lot over the years – not least endless (no, really – endless) talking points, topics of conversation, and issues of debate.
And today, we spotted this gem – another matter on which to pontificate.
In the photograph, she can be seen in a nude body suit, over which she is wearing a gold-hued bra, along with black stockings and lace-up boots.
More bizarre is the location: a pile of earth that looks half construction site, half set of Room To Improve (albeit without Dermot Bannon lurking in the background in a hi-vis and hard-hat).
The shot was taken several weeks ago at the sprawlling Château d’Ambleville in northern France, and by famed photographer Juergen Teller.
Meanwhile, the entire shoot was styled by Kim's multi-talented 38-year-old husband, Kanye West.
It's not all about Kim, though. Further images from the shoot show Kanye sporting his now trademark scowl.
Meanwhile, photographer Mr Teller features in short-shorts (emphasis on 'short') and the sort of red jacket your mammy would put on you before you walked to school on a chilly morning (no doubt his version is rather more expensive, however).
In February, and hinting at his artistic vision, Mr West declared: "I have millions of ideas and I represent a new generation just trying to express themselves in a broken world.
"I don’t call myself a designer as I was not allowed to go to Saint Martins because I was too famous by the time I realized I wanted to design.
"Fame is often looked down upon in the design world, so it’s actually been something I had to overcome."
With the resulting images from the French shoot making up a spread in an edition of System magazine, we're hoping to see yet more from the Kim-Kanye-Juergen collaboration as soon as possibe.