No man, no problem! ‘I can get as drunk as I want’ announces Lauren
We all know being a drunk mess in front of your boyfriend is never pretty, but we don't think we've ever been excited to drink because our other half was out of the picture.
There has been a lot of rumours over the past week as to whether Lauren Goodger has broken up with her boyfriend Jake McLean because of her suspicious activity on social media.
It all came to light when Lauren began to delete every picture of her man off Instagram and Twitter, just like the other times that the pair have called it quits.
But, in Lauren's latest New! Magazine column, the former TOWIE star admitted that she was excited to get drunk at a party because Jake wasn't going to be there.
She told her fans: "My mate Della's son Miles had a private party. TOWIE's Liam Gatsby was there and so were some of Jake's other mates, but Jake didn't come.
"I was like, 'Yes, I can get as drunk as I want!' Ha ha."
Whether that's a normal part of their relationship, we don't know, but for many it's a worrying sign, with hers fans calling her out over it on social media.
One user asked, "Why are you not allowed drink if your bfs there???" and another said, "That's a bit sad."
Lauren isn't one to back down so no doubt in her next column she'll hit back at the haters' comments.