Legislation for supervised injection centres passed by The Seanad
Earlier today, legislation that will pave the way for supervised injection centres in Ireland was approved by the Seanad.
It is hoped that the facilities will provide a controlled and sterile environment where drug user can inject without the threat of prosecution.
Users will have access to clean injection equipment and advice on treatment and rehabilitation.
Trained staff will also be on hand to provide assistance in the event of an accidental overdose.
Speaking to the Seanad, Drugs Minister, Catherine Byrne said the centres will give hope to those struggling with addiction.
"I believe those words are very important regarding the service that we are going to provide, into the future for people who inject on a daily basis.
"It's to give them hope, to open doors, but above all I believe to give them the opportunity to be able to come into a service that sees them as human beings, and will help them in their addiction into recovery as well," she said.
Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, who lobbied for the move during his time as Drugs Minister, welcomed the news on Twitter.
It has passed.
A lump in my throat to be honest.
So proud of everyone who walked this journey together.
We made it.#SaferFromHarm pic.twitter.com/yKN5YsUPo8— Aodhán Ó Ríordáin (@AodhanORiordain) May 10, 2017
The bill has been sent to President, Micheal D. Higgins, to be signed into law.