‘It’s time’: Twitter is an emotional place ahead of #ARCMarch17


This afternoon, tens of thousands of individuals, demanding change for the women and girls of Ireland, will assemble at the Garden of Remembrance on Parnell Square before taking to the streets of Dublin city and marching on Dáil Éireann at 2pm.

With momentum gathering over the course of the last 12 months, anticipation is at an all-time high ahead of this year's March for Choice, and nowhere is this more obvious than on Twitter this morning.

With just a few hours to go until arguably the most important march yet, the public have been taking to social media in their droves to both articulate their thoughts on today's event, and share their hopes for the future of women and girls in this country.

From early-morning journeys to the country's capital to the painstaking completion of placards, the desire of the pro-choice community to enact change is a deep-seated and heartfelt one, felt by hundreds of thousands around the world.

Take a look at just some of the posts being shared this morning.
