Lewis Hamilton apologises for ‘boys don’t wear dresses’ comment
Lewis Hamilton caused outrage online when he uploaded a series of videos where he shamed his young nephew for wearing a princess dress.
In the controversial clip, Lewis films his nephew and says, 'I’m so sad right now…look at my nephew.'
He asked his nephew, “'Why are you wearing a princess dress? Is this what you got for Christmas?'
Oh dear Lewis. You’ve just opened a can of worms… pic.twitter.com/fpsiNeOZrd
— Nabeela (@JustNabz) December 25, 2017
The 32-year-old continued: 'Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas, boys don’t wear princess dresses!'
The public were furious with the gender shaming comments, which have caused the Formula One driver to come out and publicly apologise for his offensive statements.
The racing driver tweeted: 'Yesterday I was playing around with my nephew and realised that my words were inappropriate so I removed the post.'
So impressed by whoever bought that lovely little kid such an awesome princess dress. So horrified and distressed by Lewis Hamilton’s abusive and toxic reaction. And sharing it with the world? Vile.
— James Rhodes (@JRhodesPianist) December 26, 2017
'I meant no harm and did not mean to offend anyone at all.'
'I love that my nephew feels free to express himself as we all should.'
If wearing a dress makes your nephew happy @LewisHamilton what’s the problem? Why humilate him? He’s happy and not causing anyone any trouble. I was shamed like this throughout my childhood and wish people would just chill the hell out about gender and focus on stuff that matters
— Paris Lees (@parislees) December 26, 2017
He continued, 'My deepest apologies for my behaviour as I realise it is really not acceptable for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalise or stereotype anyone.'
This might be a case of too little, too late…
He ended the series of tweets by adding, “I have always been in support of anyone living their life exactly how they wish and I hope I can be forgiven for this lapse in judgment.”