Liam Payne was forced to apologise to 20m fans on Twitter
Uh oh, Liam Payne got himself in a bit of trouble and he has taken to Twitter to explain himself. He especially wants to make one thing clear, that he is not a homophobe.
During a concert recently, Liam angered several of his fans when he was introducing the One Direction song Girl Almighty. He addressed the crowd saying "This is my favourite song off the last album, and it is about trying to find that No.1 woman of your life."
"Which none of you can relate to, 'cause you are girls. Except for the boys in here – you know what I'm talking about."
Following this comment, a lot of people were seriously unhappy accusing Liam of disregarding same-sex couples and with several people calling him a homophobe.
Liam then tweeted last night in an attempt to set the record straight and appease his angry fans. "I am in no way shape or form homophobic that's a ridiculous thing to say and I'm not here to offend people so take it as you will."
lol think some people take things to literal these days not gunna comment on it anymore you guys know what I meant it was meant in general
— Liam (@Real_Liam_Payne) August 19, 2015
The singer tried his best to defend himself but he was clearly put out by the whole thing as he tweeted "crap end to a good day"
Liam described that he tries his best to keep his fans happy but some of them just want to focus on the negatives. "So annoying trying your hardest to amke people happy in a show and you think about all the notes u tried to hit higher or a little sweeter."
He also went on to tweet his 20.8 million followers saying that some people take things too literally now a days.
So annoying trying your hardest to make people happy in a show and you think about all the notes u tried to hit higher or a little sweeter
— Liam (@Real_Liam_Payne) August 19, 2015
Liam's band mates have not yet taken to Twitter to defend him or set the record straight.