Love is Blind’s Vanessa Lachey shares insight into family life


Vanessa Lachey has been opening up about her family life with her husband Nick and their children. 

The Love is Blind presenters are proud parents to 11-year-old Camden, nine-year-old Brooklyn and seven-year-old Phoenix. 

While sharing an insight into their parenting style, Vanessa has revealed one rule that she and Nick follow with their little ones. 

In a new interview with People, Vanessa explained, “The one thing that we've always agreed on is that we will always, always let our children know how much we love them”.

“It sounds so simple, but I didn't have that constant affirmation, physically and verbally, when I was younger, nor did Nick”.

“I mean, of course you know you're loved, but do you really? And sometimes, you like to hear it and you like to feel it. And so, I don't think that we've ever talked about, ‘This is what we have to do’, but between the two of us, we know our kids need to always know they're loved, especially after a disciplinary moment”.

The 43-year-old then revealed how she and Nick respond after having to discipline their children.

“At some point, after the discipline has settled in and they've had their moment, we will come in with a loving – whether it's a loving touch or a loving conversation – to let them know why this was important and why it got to that”.

Lachey added, “I think it's just about letting them know they feel loved. I mean, that's all I wanted to know, that I was loved by mom and my dad, and so we will always give that to them”.

Another of Vanessa and Nick’s rules is that they don’t allow their children to watch the shows they star in, apart from NCIS: Hawaii and some of their dad’s performances on The Masked Singer. 

When it comes to the hit Netflix show Love is Blind, Vanessa admits, “No, they don't watch our shows”.

“Other kids at the school talk about it so that is probably another layer that Nick and I have in our parenting that maybe other families don't. But I think that just keeping them grounded and reminding them that we are Mom and Dad first is all we can continue to do”.

“And they just see us as Mom and Dad. And I've asked them, ‘Does it bother you?’. And they're like, ‘No, because you're my mom’, and I love that”.
