Love Island: Who should be voted out in tonight’s show?
Tonight's Love Island looks set to be a good one and we cannot wait.
In a twist, the couple had to vote for who they thought was the least compatible….and they chose Joe and Lucie and Elma and Anton.
No big surprises there, right?
However, the public has the power now to kick out their least two favourite Islanders.
Thank f*ck.
Can’t loose Anton & Lucie, they both deserve to find happiness & love
— (@g_wilsonx) June 17, 2019
Ok, so I know Lucie isn't Miss Innocent and whispering with a guy (Tommy) she was in a love triangle with isn't the nicest thing in the world to do, but she needs to get away from Joe.
Sandwich man Joe started out as alright, few red flags of jealousy and possessiveness…but the last few days, his behaviour is downright not ok.
He's making Lucie feel bad for not being a girlie girl and told her she needs to spend more time with the girls in the villa.
He 's said that her friendship with Tommy is ''weird'' because he's a guy and it's kinda gaslighting.
So bye Joe.
I'm SO happy that only one person is leaving and not a couple! NO ONE VOTE TO SAVE JOE PLEASE! #LoveIsland
— Siobhan #DinahAndOllieForever (@slinehan1) June 17, 2019
So – Elma and Anton.
Anton's video when he came in had me thinking – Oh ffs, here's an arrogant shit' but he's such a sweetheart.
He's been pied so many times and is still smiling.
He told Molly-Mae how it was, hugged Anna even though he had to recouple with a romantic partner, is funny and just seems like a good guy.
He's not everyone's cup of tea but he's not a d*ckhead, that's for sure.
I initially thought Elma was ok and she and Anton seemed to make sense…but her behaviour the minute (could be just sneaky editing) after Anton chose her, she went cold.
I was like – wtf Elma?
So Elma just used Anton to get a place in the villa?#loveisland
— Anne (@MissyHarvey) June 18, 2019
Anton is a CUTIE – I know, I know, keeping her options open…I just feel like she's not and never has been into Anton and I'm not a fan.
So for me, it's an easy choice…Joe and Elma should get the boot.
We'll see how Lucie acts without Joe and as for Anton, throw someone in there who fancies the poor lad, will you?