Maddie McCann’s parents honour her on 11th anniversary


Kate and Gerry McCann have honoured their daughter Madeleine in a touching post on her eleventh anniversary. Their daughter went missing during a family holiday to Portugal in 2007.

On the anniversary of her abduction, her parents wrote, “It gets harder to know what to say or write as each anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction approaches then passes.”

They continued, “Life is full and busy which helps, but Madeleine is still missing and she is still dearly missed.”

Madeleine’s missing person’s case has been one of the most high-profile cases in the United Kingdom, with the British government investing more than £11 million tin finding Madeleine.

The parents shared that Madeleine’s case is constantly developing, “Information continues to come in (incredible as it may seem after so long, although we are grateful for that) and work goes on. Perseverance and hope remain.”

They thanked the public for the never-ending support, which helps keep them focused on finding Madeleine, “After eleven years such warmth and persisting solidarity is truly remarkable and at the same time a real tonic and boost to our spirit.”

“We couldn’t bear for Madeleine to be forgotten or to become just a ‘story’. She is a real person and still our ‘little girl’ and as we always have, we will endeavour to do whatever it takes to find her,” they wrote.

They shared, “Thank you so much for staying with us on this mission.”

Her parents have said in the past that they will never give up hope of finding their eldest daughter and they are grateful for the continued investigation.

May 12, 2018, marks Madeleine’s fourteenth birthday.
