Made in Chelsea star shuns Victoria’s Secret beauty standards

If you're anything like us, you've been drooling over the Victoria's Secret fashion show snaps all morning.

The VS angels are renowned for their amazing physiques and intense, hard core pre-show diet and exercise regimens.

Made In Chelsea star and model Ashley James took to Instagram last night to remind fans that, while we'd all love a model body, it's important not to compare yourself to others.  


A photo posted by Ashley James (@ashleylouisejames) on

"If you're one of the many women sat at home looking at the Victoria Secret models and hating your body, then this is for you. This is my body, unedited and unfiltered," said the DJ, who posted a snap of herself in her skivvies to go with her body positive message. 

"Some of you will look at me and think I look fat, whilst others might look at me and aspire to have my body. We all have different standards, but whether you're a size 6 or a size 22 there'll be parts of your body you hate."

The star encouraged her followers not to get hung up on the things that they see as flaws.

"We all look in the mirror and wish we could change things, and whilst we can all strive to eat healthier and exercise more, I'll bet that the guy/girl we fancy would rather us have the love handles (or whatever it is you hate about yourself) and be happy, than look perfect and be miserable. Beauty is confidence, not perfection," she finished.

The model, who is pals with Irish star Vogue Williams, has previously struggled with body dysmorphia.
