Magic Mike fans just received the best news ever
If you’re a fan of Magic Mike (who isn’t?) you are going to love this news.
Channing Tatum is looking for some new cast members and, as the old saying goes, he wants you!
Yes, with the sequel to the hit stripper movie, Magic Mike XXL, well underway, the crew are now looking for 300 ladies and gents to stand in as the lucky crowd that get to watch Mike and the gang in action.
We can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon than watching Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer and Joe Manganiello body-roll in their underwear.
The movie’s crew put an advert out in a local newspaper in Savannah, where the movie is being shot, appealing to women and men living in the area to hit them up if they had any interest in being an extra in the movie, and watching some celebrities repeatedly take their clothes off.
So, you know, they’ll probably get one or two applications, right?
We’re expecting flight tickets out to Georgia to be in high demand, somehow!
For those of you who loved the original movie, the sequel looks set to be even better, with the storyline revolving around our favourite strippers attending a convention. Love it.
We straight-up volunteer!