Make sure you’re bang on trend at Electric Picnic!
So you’ve got your ticket and you’ve got your tent for EP – now all you need is your outfit. Festival fashion can be tricky because you have to cater for all kinds of weather, which is hard to do while looking effortlessly chic at the same time. If you’re stuck for what to wear, then read on for our head to toe tips on rocking it at EP.
You need a hat. End of. If it’s sunny it’ll save your skin from the sun, and if it’s raining it’ll save your hair from the frizz. What kind of a hat? Well, that’s up to you! We would recommend some kind of straw, cowgirl hat. Or if you’re a bit of a raver you could go for a funky peak cap. Wool hats are all well and good, but when it rains, they get soggy. And that is NOT nice.
Upper body
Layers, people! Layers! You need to be able to strip down easily when the sun comes out for those ten minutes, and then layer it back up when the rain comes. Try a string top, under a funky off the shoulder t-shirt, under a loose fitting cardigan or zip up hoody, under a raincoat. You get the drift.
Bottom Half
What you don’t want is a pair of jeans that are going to drag on the ground and get all wet. Go for skinny jeans if you don’t want to show any leg, or a pair of shorts. If you wear shorts, it’s not a bad idea to wear tights underneath for two reasons: 1) for the warmth 2) because fake tan runs in the rain.
Wellies are a girl’s best friend at any Irish festival. By all means bring a pair of comfy plimsolls in your bag, but you’ll be in your wellies for most of the weekend. Even when it’s not raining the ground will probably still be mucky, and you don’t want to be worrying about things like that when you favourite act hits the stage!
Little extras
When deciding on what bag to bring, one thing is vital: make sure it has a zip. Losing your phone or money will put a real dampner on your weekend. You’re going to need something that’s you don’t need to hold onto all the time, so a bag pack or a satchel that goes across your chest. The more colourful, the better.
As for hair, plaits are the go-to style for festivals. But if you can’t do those fancy plaits you see on Pinterest, don’t worry. A cool, flower head band will create the same hippy chic look that the plaits do. And bring plenty of bobbins – you know how those things can go missing.