Make-up tips post workout
Try these tips if you are heading out straight after your gym workout to avoid looking like a sweaty Betty.
Use a little water
Splash water onto your face and use a little alcohol-free toner to help reduce the redness in your face.
Tinted moisturiser
Foundation can be too heavy to put on your face after an intense workout so opt instead for a tinted moisturiser.
If you need a little more coverage, invest in a light concealer and just dab it on where ever it is needed.
Lip gloss
Before leaving the gym, pop on a little gloss for effect.
A little bit of mascara goes a long way. Use it sparingly to open up your eyes and finish off your look.
If anyone says anything nasty to you, just tell them that you did a 60 minute intense workout while they munched on biscuits. That’ll show ‘em!