Friends star Matt le Blanc lands a VERY unexpected gig with the BBC
Matt le Blanc has been announced as one of the presenters of the BBC's revamped hit show, Top Gear.
Yep, the American actor has rather unexpectedly landed a co-hosting role alongside Chris Evans who will replace former hosts Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May.
And if you are wondering how this bizarre hosting duo came about, well it turns out that Matt holds the fastest time for completing the Top Gear racing track in the auto show's history.
The 48-year-old first appeared on the show in 2012 where he confessed he was a bit of a car nerd and was highly entertaining as he and Jeremy dissected his lap.
So on the face of it, it seems the BBC may have made a pretty rogue decision but Matt actually came back to the show and helped to host Top Gear: The Races and he even managed to beat the Stig.
"As a car nut and a massive fan of Top Gear, I'm honoured and excited to be a part of this iconic show’s new chapter. What a thrill!" read a statement by the new host.
Matt will be the first non-British person to host the show in it's entire 39-year history on the air.
We may even sidestep the fact that the show is about cars and give it watch.