Meet Tia Duffy, the Dublin model behind the #BeBodyAware project
Meet, Tia Duffy, the Dublin model making waves in fashion industry for her #BeBodyAware campaign.
Hailing from Dublin, Tia now lives in Toronto, Canada, where she works as a plus-sized model.
Tia is committed to embracing and celebrating diversity in the world of fashion, and in a recent interview with Vouge Italia, she spoke about why she decided to start the project.
"I was told I was too big by casting directors and sometimes I was too small," she said.
"I noticed a niche for a project that brought education, psychology, diversity and fashion together. A project that would really challenge change through action, imagery and video."
"The launch of #BeBodyAware was to bring about a global psychological awareness and conversation of body image, ones own body and the images we are subject to in the media everyday. I just want everyone to be represented."
The project has caught the eye of some high-profile celebrities including, Kim Kardashian and Ashton Kutcher, who shared the campaign with millions of followers on Facebook.
As part of the initiative, Tia is directing a 50 photoshoot series with the aim of changing the images we see in the media.
"I want to reimagine fashion and recreate the images that we have been witnessing on billboards for decades."
In addition, the model is also collaborating on 50 runway shows in an effort to bring diversity to fashion shows around the world.
In the future Tia hopes to expand #BeBodyAware to TV and podcasts, as well as working closely with schools in order to integrate workshops into curriculums world wide.