Michael Fassbender says the Macbeth curse is real!
Apparently Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is cursed, and if you say the name inside a theatre disaster will strike – but does anyone really believe it?
Well, it looks like Michael Fassbender does! The Kerryman said that there were some spooky occurrences on the set of his new film Macbeth, and that’s what made the cast and crew change the name to The Scottish Play while inside the theatre.
“Certain things that made one think ‘oh my god’. So at a certain point we changed it to The Scottish Film.
“You are evoking darker spirits, or the underworld, whatever you want to call it.”
Fassbender says he’s not the superstitious kind, so it must have been something pretty scary to freak him out!
We can’t say we blame them for changing the name – better safe than sorry and all that!