Michael Phelps FINALLY offers an explanation for THAT stink-eye
As a revered athlete and an Olympic medallist, it would seem Michael Phelps has little to be angry about, but when a recent photo of the US swimmer surfaced, we all realised how wrong we were.
After being snapped looking like a toddler who had been put on the bold step at a birthday party, Michael realised there's little he can do right now that won't catch the attention of the media and the wider public.
With the image circulating widely online and social media users offering their own (often hilarious) explanations for Michael's stinker of a glare, it seems like the swimmer suddenly realised he'd need to address it himself.
"I just had music going on in my head. I had thoughts going on in my head, spitting water a little bit all over the place, so I was in my own zone," he explained in a response which has many of us calling B-S.
With millions suggesting that Michael's glare was directed at rival swimmer, Chad le Clos, Michael shut down the rumours.
Speaking to Today, he insisted: "I was not intentionally mean mugging him or giving him a dirty look."
A likely story Michael, a likely story.