Miley brands Katy Perry a sl** in awkward Instagram post
Oh Miley – you do love to cause a bit of trouble, don’t you?!
The singer’s latest Instagram snap shows that really awkward moment Miley macked onto Katy (who later admitted she did NOT want that!) and captioned it: “Wcw is this sl** @katyperry /tbt (not on t) to that time we made out during my #bangerztour.”
Incidentally, the photo has now been removed by Miley, which is how you know it’s REALLY serious!
We’re sure Katy was more than impressed by Miley’s choice of words and photo.
The two have had something of an awkward relationship ever since Katy joked after the kiss: “God knows where that tongue has been!” to which Miley cheekily replied: “Girl if ur worred where tongues have been good thing your ex boo is ur EX BOO cause we ALL know where THAT [tongue emoji] been.”
Eek – doesn’t sound like Miley is going to forget this incident for quite some time.