Missing out on EP this weekend? Allow Twitter to ease your FOMO
The big weekend is finally here; Electric Picnic has begun. Unfortunately not everyone could make the trek to Stradbally for all the antics.
The FOMO is string this weekend, it seems that no matter where you look there are constant reminders of all the musical fun people are having.
Comedian Chris Williams was given charge of the Ireland Twitter account today and came up with a genius and hilarious tactic to help ease the pain for those not at the festival this weekend.
#EPathome was trending on Irish twitter for most of this afternoon. We rounded up some of the best tweets to give you a good laugh so you don’t feel too bad about missing out on the festival craic.
Basically, the idea behind the trend was to come up with suggestions of how folks stuck at home could make themselves feel like they were at Electric Picnic with everyone else:
Hide any toilet roll and leave 1 pack of wet wipes by the bucket under the stairs. #epathome ensure that any moisture is gone by Sat PM
— Ireland Chris (@ireland) September 4, 2015
There was some gems:
Switch your wifi off and wander round the garden waving your phone in the air searching for signal till your battery dies #epathome
— Theresa Whyte (@TheresaWood2) September 4, 2015
Leave your shoes soaking in the sink overnight then wear them to the shops in the morning #epathome
— Simon Geraghty (@SimonRPG) September 4, 2015
The people at The Daily Edge were really enjoying the challenge
Take an electric whisk. Apply it to the back of your hair. Repeat for three days and then try to brush. #EpAtHome
— DailyEdge.ie (@dailyedge) September 4, 2015
#epathome invite your neighbours over to stand under your shower to drink cans of Lidl's cheapest cider
— Darren Hughes (@dazlo3500) September 4, 2015
This sounds familiar:
After work, park your car 20 mins away from where you live. #epathome #EP2015
— Ireland Chris (@ireland) September 4, 2015