Need to change your perspective? Try this childhood technique ASAP
We've all had days where it feels like the universe is conspiring against us and we're just ill-equipped to face the upset head-on.
We all also have various ways of dealing with it; some people simply wait for the mood to pass, others actively seek out support and others lament the day they were born.
But it sounds like these typical responses may take longer to kick in when compared to a technique advised by writer Judi Ketteler who recently wrote on the subject of low moods for The New York Times.
It seems a surefire way to alter your perspective on a situation or instigate a change in mood is to… wait for it… do a handstand.
"The more uncertain, angry, fearful or confused you feel, the more you need to plant your hands on the ground, kick your feet directly above you, and let all those negative emotions drain right back into the earth," she asserted.
"In our most vulnerable times, we tend to look up, whether for a prayer or a primal scream. We search out a higher something in the clouds. It feels like truth is above us and we are stuck on the ground, unable to figure out where we fit in."
"If you have been upright nearly every moment of your life and then you are upside-down – well, that feels different," she wrote.
"Your body experiences space with a new orientation. That experience alone is a worthwhile endeavour, because seeing the world differently for a minute can sometimes put the right-sided world in perspective."
Literally speaking, it makes sense, but emotionally, we don't imagine our problem will seem any smaller just because we have our face centimeters from the ground.
But hey, some days we'll try anything…