Never let your battery die ever again with these genius jeans!
These could be the clothing item that really brings fashion to the next level entirely.
Could there finally be a cure to the terrible feeling of despair this is your phone’s battery running out when you’re miles from an all-important power source?
We use our smartphones so frequently nowadays they are practically attached to our palms permanently. Now Joe’s Jeans are bringing a new meaning to the phrase attached at the hip.
No matter how hard we try, there’s always the risk that our battery is not going to make it until the end of the day before it needs a recharge.
The #Hello jeans are designed so all you have to do is slide your phone into your back pocket and let it charge away. No stress and a full battery.
You will never have to deal with a screen such as this ever again. Amazing. Also, these styles are none too shabby. We really wouldn’t mind having one or two of these in our wardrobes. Stylist and practical, the holy grail of fashion.
Oh but wait. There may be one slight issue with these miracle jeans.
They do come with quite the price tag. While you cannot deny how much you would enjoy never having to miss a prime Snapchat moment again, you also cannot deny that these are expensive.
They will set you back around €170, and there’s also the fact that the battery pack retails separately for roughly €40. Also, currently the chargers are only compatible with iPhones, sorry Android users.
So close, yet just not quite the perfect solution.