New website invites ‘hook-up’ confessions of all shapes and sizes
A new website wants to show that random hook-ups are not always such a bad thing!
Launched by sex researcher Zhana Vrangalova, The Casual Sex Project provides an outlet for people to anonymously chat about their sexual encounters and one-night stands.
“Hook-ups are so often presented as black or white, good or bad, but it isn’t this homogenous thing,” Dr Vrangalova said.
“There is such a plethora of activities, feelings, hopes and expectations, partner configurations and behaviors, outcomes, circumstances… I hope this project will help people see these nuances,” she added.
People of all ages, genders and sexual orientations are invited to share their hook-up stories on the website, sharing details like how it came about and whether or not they regret it.
Dr Vrangalova said that more often than not, the answer is no.
She is also working on a book and documentary about the lives of people who have slept with at least 1,000 people.
“I think it’d be absolutely fascinating to tell the life stories and put faces (not necessarily literally) to such a highly sexual lifestyle,” she said.