Next time you’re at the bar ask them for a Unicorn Tears cocktail
Unicorns are mythical creatures, yes?
Ok good, glad we cleared that up. As disappointing as it is for many of us to admit, there are no unicorns hopping on the Luas and there have never been any reports of such an event occurring.
However, gin is not a myth and it is real. However, a new gin variation has arrived that has made us reconsider everything we always thought we knew about mythical creatures and good ole gin.
Gin made from unicorns tears and bottled with mystical silver is now a legitimate beverage. Yes, you did read that correctly.
The very inventive (we would go so far as to say genius) alcohol aficinados at Firebox have managed to bottle the sorrow of every Harry Potter fan’s favourite equine and turn into the new cocktail. We imagine hipsters everywhere are celebrating, if that is still a cool thing to do.
Referred to as “magical mother's ruin" the concoction even contains real silver pieces, so no risk of any werewolves coming along to ruin your day then. It also has some blood orange in there.
Unfortunately, there is one down side to the beverage: it is not cruelty free.
Firebox says "many, many unicorns were harmed in the making of this beverage", and that "those frisky little buggers aren’t easy to snag".
The gin will be launched on 25 September and if you’re feeling keen you can pre-order a bottle on the Firebox website for €55.