No more chippers! O’Connell Street will be getting quite a make over
Dublin City Council are going to publish a new plan for O’Connell Street which will outline the future use and redevelopment of properties- including Clerys department store.
The draft of the plan is designed to encourage appropriate commercial activity while also protecting the area’s cultural, civic and historic character.
Areas included in the plan aside from O’Connell Street are: Henry Street, North Earl Street, middle Abbey Street, Westmoreland Street and D’Olier Street, reports the Irish Times.
What does this mean?
While the scheme is not granting permission to the council to shut down any shops already in existence, certain types of shops will not be opening there any time in the future.
Amusement arcades, bookmakers, fast-food outlets, mobile-phone shops or “adult entertainment” shops will all be refused permission to open according to the plan.
“It is an objective of the scheme of special planning control to protect such uses that contribute significantly to the special character of the area.”
We thought curry cheese chips have their own ‘special character’? Apparently not enough for the new and improved city centre.
While there are plenty of fast food establishments already open in the area, for anyone who had hopes of In-N-Out Burger making a glorious return this is just another nail in the coffin.
However, the scheme is available for public consultation and submissions for another eight weeks. So if you have any suggestions perhaps now is your chance.
The final plan will need to be approved by city councilors before any changes will come into force.