‘Nope, not happening’ 9 things we all pretend we’ve no time to do
There are some things in life which most of us simply can't bear to contemplate, let alone actually do.
While we might tend to countless tasks, errands and responsibilities on a daily basis without so much as a second thought, there are some which we always resign to the 'Not Right Now' area of our brain.
Unsurprisingly, these tasks rarely get completed because we convince ourselves we've simply no time to do them.
And here, ladies, are just nine…
1. Making 'that' phonecall.
Whether it's a long overdue catch-up with an overly demanding friend or a 'Why does my statement terrify me' call to the bank, some phone calls find the NRN area of your brain and bunker on down for months.
2. Tackling the book pile by your bed.
Oh, you're totally convinced you'll read them one day, but today is simply not that day. Tomorrow isn't good either.
3. Going to the Post Office.
Finding stamps is hard enough, but when you actually have to queue in a Post Office and ask for assistance, you must accept that that parcel won't be going anywhere.
4. Preparing a healthy, well-balanced meal more than once a week.
A new campaign from Uncle Ben’s reveals that a mere one in five Irish people prepare and cook a healthy balanced meal just once a week with a perceived lack of time as the leading barrier in cooking at home, and hands up, we're one of them.
"I recommend picking a time in the week to plan your meals and make a list of all the ingredients that you’ll need to buy in order to prepare for a tasty and nutritional offer," advises nutritional therapist Elsa Jones.
5. Tending to your email inbox.
Deep down you know that blitzing your inbox would give you a serious sense of satisfaction, but if you could pay someone to do it for you, you would.
6. Getting your phone fixed.
The idea of being without your phone for a prolonged period of time means you'd rather squint through a shattered screen than actually have someone tend to the damage.
7. Complaining to an establishment.
You didn't bite the bullet at the time, but you brooded over that case of bad service, insisted you would follow up on it and then promptly resigned it to the NRN section of your brain because… effort.
8. Booking that 'follow-up' appointment.
You went the first time, so why should you have to go again? It's not fair, and it's not happening.
9. Updating your phone
If you're reading your shattered screen correctly, it may be time for an update, but that is not your concern right now… or ever.