Not just London! Dublin is getting its very OWN Creme Egg Café
News just in, chocolate lovers – Dublin will soon be home to Ireland's first Creme Egg Café.
After spending roughly 95% of our working week drooling over snaps of the newly opened outlet in London, we were delighted to get word from Cadbury today that the chocolatey goodness would be spreading to Dublin too.
"Cadbury is eggstremely eggcited to announce that the Crème de la Creme Egg Cafe is coming to Dublin," the chocolate giant said in a statement today.
"Opening on Tuesday 16th February, the Café nestled within Lock 6 on Canal Road, Dublin 6, will be a gooey haven for all Creme Egg lovers."
GAH. That means we can soon look forward to delights like this on home shores…
Oh, and this…
And even this…
But of course the real question is, will Dublin's version of the café have a ball pit in the basement too?