Oh Henry! Irish people could NOT hack the stress of the wind today

Another day, another ridiculously strong gust of wind to knock you over as you get off the Luas.

Ireland got smacked in the face with the brunt of Storm Henry this morning, as 110 km/hr winds arrived to start the week off on the right foot.

Twitter was awash with unfortunate commuters who saw their lives (and umbrellas) flash before their eyes as yet another gust blew in.

Here are a few of the most tragic tales from our newsfeed this morning:

1. This girl who had a VERY good reason to stay indoors


2. And this girl, who felt the same 


3. This story of pure, unadulterated horror 


4. This lad who was willing to make a plea bargain with The Lord himself 


5. This fella who still remembered his manners despite the manky weather 


6. This terrified commuter 


7. And this lad who probably pulled a sickie in the end 
